Other Insightful Books

Parenting books on a variety of topics that are recommended by Elizabeth Pantley. 

Millions of parenting books populate the shelves of libraries and bookstores. Here are those I’ve found most insightful. My admiration and gratitude goes out to their authors, with whom I’m proud and honored to share my mission and from whom I’ve drawn immeasurable inspiration.


Victory Beyond the Scoreboard

John Devine and Cliff Gillies (1997)
Two esteemed coaches reveal innovative ideas for making sports more fun and less stressful for both players and families.

Attention Deficit Disorder

The A.D.D. Book

William Sears, M.D. and Lynda Thompson, Ph.D. (1998)
Offers an approach that will help parents reduce or eliminate the need for drugs. It includes strategies that empower children with A.D.D. and teach them how to cope.

Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perception

Thom Hartmann (1993)
Provides an inside view of how ADD persons think and function in society. It demonstrates how ADD can be associated with creativity and high achievement.

Child Development

Your One Year Old
Your Two Year Old
Your Three Year Old
Your Four Year Old

Louise Bates Ames, Ph.D., et al (1981-1995)
An excellent series that explains typical behaviors at each level of development. Helps you understand your child’s behavior as “normal” and suggests ways of handling the behavior.

Divorce/Single Parenting/Step-Parenting

Putting Kids First

Michael L. Oddenino (1995)
Well written and filled with excellent advice for divorcing parents. Helps parents use positive solutions to create a more “child-centered” result during the divorcing process.

The Single Parent Family

Marge Kennedy & Janet Spencer King (1994)
Written by two single parents, this is an authoritative, supportive and comprehensive guide filled with specific, realistic advice.

General Topics

The 10 Greatest Gifts I Give My Children

Steven W. Vannoy (1994)
A pleasant book that helps put the joy back in parenting. Stories and thoughts that will encourage you to focus on what’s most important in your life.


You Might as Well LaughSurviving the Joys of Parenthood

Sandi KahnShelton (1997)
A light and cheerful book about parenthood.

Guilt-Free Motherhood

Joni Hilton (1996)
Easy to read and fun filled. A realistic book with some exceptional insights.

I Didn’t Plan to Be a Witch

Linda Eyre (1988)
When a parenting expert and mother of eight shares a few of her bad moments, you might feel a whole lot better about your own mistakes.

S.A.H.M. I Am: Tales of a Stay-at-Home Mom in Europe

Christine Louise Hohlbaum (2005)  “A journey through motherhood without a roadmap, offering support, guidance, laughter, and perspective on the whole experience.”

Marriage/Adult Relationships

How Can We Light a Fire When the Kids Are Driving Us Crazy?

Ellen Kreidman (1993)
Ideas to help you awaken those wonderful romantic feelings that may have lain dormant since your children were born.

How to Stay Lovers While Raising Your Children

Anne Mayer (1990)
Ideas to rekindle the love, intimacy and spontaneity you thought you lost when you brought your first baby home.

Why Marriages Succeed or Fail and How You Can Make Yours Last

John Gottman, Ph.D. (1994)
Good insights and realistic advice.

Couple Skills

Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning, Kim Paleg (1994)
A book of tools to help you communicate with each other in more productive ways.


What’s Happening to My Body? For Girls
What’s Happening to My Body? For Boys

Lynda Madaras (1984)
Straightforward answers to all the basic questions about sexual development and the emotional and physical experience of puberty.

Where Do Babies Come From?

Margaret Sheffield and Sheila Bewley (1973)
A book that explains conception, pregnancy and birth in terms that a very young child can understand.


He Hit Me First: When Brothers and Sisters Fight

Louise Bates Ames, Ph.D. (1989)
A detailed discussion of what parents can expect from sibling relationships and how to deal with the inevitable problems.

Loving Each One Best

Nancy Samalin (1996)
An invaluable resource that offers support and proven solutions for any parent facing the challenge of raising siblings.

Siblings Without Rivalry

Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish (1988)
A classic book about sibling relationships.

Strong-Willed Children

Raising Your Spirited Child

Mary Sheedy Kurcinka (1992)
A guide for parents whose child is more intense, sensitive, persistent and energetic. A reassuring and positive book that will help you understand and raise your child.

Parenting the Fussy Baby and High-Need Child

William and Martha Sears (1996)
Sincere help and essential advice for the overwhelmed parent.

The Challenging Child

Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D. (1995)
Helps you identify your child’s personality type and learn the kind of care that will be most successful with your child.


Stop Treating Me Like a Kid!

Robin Goldstein and Janet Gallant (1994)
An excellent book for navigating the “tweenage” years from 10 to 13. Practical answers to everyday questions.

You’re Grounded Till You’re Thirty!

Judi Craig, Ph.D. (1996)
Excellent if you’re coming up on the teen years.  Explains common struggles and helps you understand what’s really going on with your teenager.


What Good Parents Have in Common

Janis Long Harris (1994)
Based on interviews with successful parents, this book shares wisdom and realistic ideas. (Christian-based, but also an enjoyable book for parents of all faiths.)