Endorsements and Reviews for

The No-Cry Discipline Solution

Discipline doesn’t mean putting on the leather gloves, Pantley reminds readers. Discipline means teaching; in this particular case, creating a foundation of strong values and clear guidelines that children can use to learn self-control and character. But first, understand that kids will misbehave. Having them come to terms with their misbehavior is a two-way street: You teach and they learn (and you both listen). She breaks discipline down into four components: to correct, teach, give tools and create a relationship. Pantley applies succinct solutions to dozens of everyday-problem scenarios – from backtalk to dawdling to lying to sharing to screaming -as guides for readers to fashion their own responses.

Pantley is a loving realist who has managed, mirabile dictu, to give disciplinarianism a good, warm name.

Kirkus Review


Children and parents are not perfect; discipline is about teaching and learning. These are the basic premises of best-selling parent educator Pantley, a mother of four who shares her experience-based knowledge of methods of discipline. Stating that all children, parents, and situations are different, she provides readers with a practical selection of tools to correct children’s misbehaviors.

Chapters about anger, less common to discipline manuals, cover why parents experience it and include a practical six-step plan for learning to control it.  The book concludes with a section on solutions to common behaviors like dawdling, not sharing, and refusing to brush teeth. Sprinkled throughout with quotes from other parents, the text reassures the reader that parenting requires love and effort but not perfection.

This book is a practical and easy read as well as a handy reference for parents facing the day-to-day issues of child rearing.

Library Journal Review 


If ever trapped on a desert island with a bunch of kids, this is among the most useful books you could bring along.

Mom Writer’s Literary Magazine


Finally, a discipline “solution” that offers actual solutions! Elizabeth Pantley doesn’t beat around the bush with fancy parenting philosophies and theories. Kids are people, too–and with that simple premise, she lures parents away from heady fantasies of control toward an empathetic understanding of the ups and down of daily life with young children.

Once parents get a handle on what’s going on and why, Pantley offers concrete, easy-to-follow tips for riding out everyday behavioral speed bumps. This feature is what makes Pantley’s No-Cry books a godsend for frazzled parents in search of tools they can put to work on the spot.

Lisa Poisso
Editor-in-chief of Natural Family Online


Finally someone wrote a book about discipline in a way that doesn’t proselytize or point fingers. It merely points out what we can do while loving our children to bits. Reading this book is like receiving a warm embrace from a dear friend. Elizabeth Pantley’s tone is nonjudgmental, her approach down-to-earth. You will love it for its nurturing, honest flavor.

The No-Cry Discipline Solution is a gift to every parent who suffers from guilt and shame for being (gasp!) human.

Christine Louise Hohlbaum
Parenting humorist
Author of Diary of a Mother and SAHM I Am: Tales of a Stay-at-Home Mom in Europe


Elizabeth Pantley is an expert on gentle, mindful parenting, and The No-Cry Discipline Solution exemplifies her knowledge and ability to manifest her expertise in a practical, readable text. Pantley not only helps us to become more conscious of our children’s needs and perspectives but allows us to embrace their uniqueness and find a discipline technique that works for each child. But, more importantly, Pantley helps us to become more aware of ourselves as parents–our weaknesses, doubts, and fears–and thereby empowers us to grow and develop our parenting skills, moving beyond discipline into the creation of family harmony. The No-Cry Discipline Solution should be required reading for parents everywhere.

Nancy Massotto, Ph.D.
Executive Director of Holistic Moms Network


The flexibility of the advice in this book supports parents with a variety of styles and philosophies.  The No-Cry Discipline Solution wins big points by being more than just theory.  While many books on discipline theory are interesting and enlightening, parents often struggle finding a way to apply the theories.  Pantley’s advice is practical and specific.  If ever trapped on a desert island with a bunch of kids, this is among the most useful books you could bring along.

Tera Schreiber
Mom Writer’s Literary Magazine


Children and parents are not perfect; discipline is about teaching and learning. These are the basic premises of best-selling parent educator Pantley, a mother of four who shares her experience-based knowledge of methods of discipline. Stating that all children, parents, and situations are different, she provides readers with a practical selection of tools to correct children’s misbehaviors.

Chapters about anger, less common to discipline manuals, cover why parents experience it and include a practical six-step plan for learning to control it.  The book concludes with a section on solutions to common behaviors like dawdling, not sharing, and refusing to brush teeth. Sprinkled throughout with quotes from other parents, the text reassures the reader that parenting requires love and effort but not perfection.

This book is a practical and easy read as well as a handy reference for parents facing the day-to-day issues of child rearing.

Library Journal Review


It is the rare author that can deliver expert advice with the warmth and understanding of a trusted friend.  Elizabeth Pantley does that in spades!  “The No-Cry Discipline Solution” dishes up sound guidance principles that are easily digestible and can be put to work immediately. Read the book tonight and begin a new relationship with your children tomorrow!

Wendy Young, LMSW
Director of BCD
Comprehensive Counseling & Consulting, LLC
Mental Health Consultant to Head Start and Early Head Start


Elizabeth Pantley is a mother and an expert on raising children. In her latest book The No-Cry Discipline Solution, she shows us simple tricks that we can use every day to avoid behavioral problems and deal with them if they do appear.

The book is very warm and supportive. The author does not point fingers, she does not expect us to know everything right after the baby is born and, finally, she does not expect anyone to be perfect. The layout is very clear and helpful. The book is divided in short and comprehensive chapters that explain the children’s behavior patterns and how to deal with them in the wisest and more efficient way. The author gives a lot of practical tips for many situations that we as parents may encounter.

I found the book very helpful and encouraging. I have used it many times as a guide, and I’m sure it’s going to be one of the books that is going to be passed from hand to hand and from one mother to another.

Armchair Interviews says: This is a perfect and very concise source of knowledge for both new and more experienced parents.

Kornelia Longoria
ArmChair Reviews


Discipline is one of the most discussed areas of parenting, and we all want to get it “right” but too often feel guilty when it all goes wrong. In The No-Cry Discipline Solution, Elizabeth Pantley goes about removing this guilt and gives parents great tips on disciplining with less heartache and stress for the parent and child.

Pantley’s books are known for their gentle and child-centered approach, and this one is no different. She shows that understanding children for what they are and having realistic expectations of them is vital before we even begin thinking about discipline.

I am not sure that I have read another parenting book on discipline where anger in the parent is discussed so openly and honestly. It is something that we would all pretend does not happen, but Pantley brings it out in the open and helps parents deal with this little-talked-about topic.

This book is a valuable tool–easy to read and filled with wonderful, practical examples of dealing with common everyday problems. A must-read for all parents!

Sally Cameron-Zurich
Co-owner of Earth Babies, a South African parenting website promoting natural baby care and parenting


Many books about child discipline focus on making children conform. Elizabeth Pantley allows us to see child behavior through their young eyes. At the same time, she offers solid and usable tips and solutions for parents to help them deal with a range of discipline issues. The No-Cry Discipline Solution is parent-friendly and child-friendly. It will be a well-thumbed addition to any parent library.

Kathy Lynn
President of Parenting Today
Parenting speaker and author of Who’s in Charge Anyway? and But Nobody Told Me I’d Ever Have to Leave Home


In The No-Cry Discipline Solution, Elizabeth Pantley helps us examine our old discipline ways and teaches us mutually respectful new ideas in her trademark warm, motivating, and humorous way. Once again, Pantley delivers!

Judy Arnall
Author of “Discipline Without Distress:  135 tools for raising caring, responsible children without time-out, spanking, punishment or bribery.”
Professional Parenting Canada 


When I read Elizabeth Pantley’s new book, I was struck by how parents all over the world struggle with the same everyday battles. As an editor and journalist at We Parents, the biggest parent magazine in Sweden, I encounter questions every day regarding these issues.

I consider The No-Cry Discipline Solution a toolbox filled with creative solutions for those everyday battles. Of course, there is no single solution that suits everyone, but this book contains so many different solutions to choose from that you’re sure to find a solution to suit your own family.

Pantley writes about situations that all parents will recognize. And she writes so that parents will understand the child’s point of view. Included in her “toolbox” are explanations as to why a child may behave as he or she does, because in order to solve a problem the best way, a parent should know the underlying causes.

I can truly recommend this book to all parents and parents-to-be. It should have a place of honor on every parent’s bookshelf. By reading this book your everyday life with your child will surely become easier, more fun, and more loving.

Anna-Maria Stawreberg
Editor and reporter of Vi Foraldrar (We Parents)


An A-to-Z manual for all parents encountering the abundant challenges and complications in raising children. Elizabeth Pantley’s honest and realistic approach in The No-Cry Discipline Solution in dealing with troublesome behavior offers parents fun-loving and gentle ways of dealing with discipline.

Azmina Hansraj
Editor of  Baby Mates, London, UK


If you have ever wondered how to sort out the small stuff from the big stuff of raising children, Elizabeth Pantley helps you do just that. She offers strategies to let go of frustration and guilt over little mishaps, while providing wise counsel and clear direction to raise responsible and loved children. Suggestions are offered to help explore parental attitudes, to better encourage positive child behavior, and to deal with specific challenges. The No-Cry Discipline Solution is your family bible for child guidance.

Patricia Morgan
Counselor and author of Love Her As She Is: Lessons from a Daughter Stolen by Addictions